
Mapping in general

A package can provide mappings in several different formats:

  1. A mapping in the composer.json
  2. modman file
  3. MagentoConnect package.xml file

As long as one of these mappings can be found, Magento modules are installable.

A repository of composer ready Magento modules can be found on

The installer looks for the mapping types in the order specified above.

composer.json mappings

If you don't like modman files, you can define mappings in a package composer.json file instead.

   "name": "vendor/module,
   "type": "magento-module",
    "extra": {
        "map": [
            ["themes/default/skin", "public/skin/frontend/foo/default"],
            ["themes/default/design", "public/app/design/frontend/foo/default"],
            ["modules/My_Module/My_Module.xml", "public/app/etc/modules/My_Module.xml"],
            ["modules/My_Module/code", "public/app/code/local/My/Module"],
            ["modules/My_Module/frontend/layout/mymodule.xml", "public/app/design/frontend/base/default/layout/mymodule.xml"]